
Menampilkan postingan dari Juni, 2019

My Trip My English Adventure

My grup trip to Tamansari Temple, Vredeburg Museum, and Pine Forest cek full video :

How To Make Special Dish - Spaghetti

My group make a special dish spaghetti  check full video :

Materi Grammar

Finding Reliable Source

Article about Air Transportation  1. Impact of high-speed rail on domestic air transportation in China  Abstract  This study investigates the impacts of high-speed rail (HSR) on domestic air transportation in China using a new comprehensive modeling framework utilizing both demand and supply perspectives. For the first time the assessment was conducted using an improved panel regression model by taking into account of the detailed opening schedules of various HSR services during the period 2001-2014. The research findings reveal that the deployed HSR services have a significant substitutional effect on domestic air transportation in China, but the effect varies across different HSR routes, travel distance and city type. Specifically, the research found a decrease in domestic passengers of 28.2%, in flights of 24.6% and in seat capacity of 27.9% after the introduction of HSR services. The impacts are found much stronger among those air routes that connect ma...

Projection of study toward future job

STTKD FOR FUTURE JOB STTKD which is located at Jl. Parangtritis Km. 4.5, Yogyakarta is a high school engaged in the field of aviation which aims to develop and provide lessons on aviation.  SSTKD will provide a place and opportunity for cadets and provide knowledge and potential to work in the field of aviation. STTKD organizes higher education in the field of superior and quality aerospace to shape the quality of professionals in the field of aviation.  SSTKD offers several study programs, namely: D1 flight attendant, D1 Ground Handling, Aeronautical D3, D3 transportation management, D4 air transportation management and aerospace engineering S1. According to the department, SSTKD will provide provisions, knowledge and will also develop the potential of the cadets for their work.  D1 Flight attendant is a study program that provides knowledge and provision as well as developing the potential for her cadets to work as Air Hostesses and airport staff s...